27 September 2011


Fireworks following the Nationals loss to the Braves at Nationals Park on September 23.

26 September 2011

Studies in Aperture

 UPDATE: I DO understand aperture, but my lens is broken.  My lens does not adjust the aperture however I may change the setting on the display, so I am stuck at a small aperture until I get that fixed.

I am going to be upfront with this; I really don't really understand aperture. I understand the concept: small number, maximum aperture, less in focus/smaller depth of field; large number, minimum aperture, more in focus/greater depth of field. And I can see it in photos, just not mine, but that's why I am in this class. I'll post more photos when I figure it out. But until then...

f/4.5, 1/30", ISO 1100

f/20, 1/20", ISO1600

f/4.5, 1/50", ISO 1600

f/29, 1/20", ISO 800

f/20, 1", ISO 100

f/4.5, 1/13", ISO 640

18 September 2011

Headless Portraits Continued


Curled up in fall.

Sitting on my guitar, just having a good time.

Show Motion (shutter speed slow)

Metro train arriving at Gallery Place/Chinatown.

Fountain in Mary's Garden.

Stop Action (shutter speed fast)

The fountain in Mary's Garden.

About to be drop kicked.

The base of the fountain in Mary's Garden.

Happy it's fall.

Invisible Skyhook.

14 September 2011

Stop Action, Show Motion.

It's moving so fast, the world is a blur.

Show Motion (shutter speed slow)

Sometimes it feels like DC drivers are going this fast.

Headless Portraits Continued

I wish I had a cookie monster backpack as a kid. Or now.

Do you think he's proud of the win?

Break time.

Through the Looking (Sun)Glass

In class, Mr. Barrick talked about extraneous light and how it can cloud or over expose photos.  Photographers use polarized filters to deal with this issue,  but Mr. Barrick told us to try it out with our sunglasses.  So here are a few dabbles in sunglass filtered photography.

12 September 2011

3 Photos I Like

A bridge over an inlet on Martha's Vineyard.  This photo shows the the action of jumping off the bridge (explicitly forbidden by the sign) at every step.

A spiral staircase in the Highland Lighthouse outside Provincetown, MA.  I like this photo because of the contrast between light and dark of the light bulb, the silhouette of the stair case, and its shadow, as well as the texture of the bricks.  I also enjoy contrasting lines, the bricks, steps, banisters, and shadows.

I just love this photo.