26 September 2011

Studies in Aperture

 UPDATE: I DO understand aperture, but my lens is broken.  My lens does not adjust the aperture however I may change the setting on the display, so I am stuck at a small aperture until I get that fixed.

I am going to be upfront with this; I really don't really understand aperture. I understand the concept: small number, maximum aperture, less in focus/smaller depth of field; large number, minimum aperture, more in focus/greater depth of field. And I can see it in photos, just not mine, but that's why I am in this class. I'll post more photos when I figure it out. But until then...

f/4.5, 1/30", ISO 1100

f/20, 1/20", ISO1600

f/4.5, 1/50", ISO 1600

f/29, 1/20", ISO 800

f/20, 1", ISO 100

f/4.5, 1/13", ISO 640

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